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Six Serious Missteps by the Japanese Government in Initiating the Discharge of Fukushima Nuclear Contaminated Water into the Sea

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan “Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic” interview face-to-face, I am the host Yu Ge.

The fourth round of discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea will begin in late February 2024, with the total amount discharged expected to be 7,800 tons, according to the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). Since August 24, 2023, Japan has discharged nuclear contaminated water into the sea three times, and the total amount of nuclear contaminated water discharged into the ocean in the four rounds is about 31,200 tons. Despite continuing opposition from both home and abroad, the Japanese government and TEPCO are still bent on implementing the discharge plan in a premeditated manner. With regard to the behaviors of the Japanese government and TEPCO before and after the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, is there any intentional deception, concealment, or taking things out of context for the world? Today we invited Mr. Fang Yingjun, Director of Lvse Jiangnan, to answer this question for us.

On August 24, 2023, in accordance with the decision of the Japanese government, Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as TEPCO) officially launched the first phase of the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea on the same day. Tracing the entire process of the decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, we clearly see the serious mistakes made by the Japanese government and TEPCO to the global human and natural environments in advancing this plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

1.Concealment of information

TEPCO has repeatedly released inaccurate information over the past decades, which has caused outsiders to remain skeptical about the truthfulness and transparency of its discharge program. Philip White, the former head of Japan’s Atomic Power Information and Intelligence Laboratory, famously said, “People don’t trust TEPCO and never expect TEPCO to tell the truth.”

As early as 2002, TEPCO had admitted to falsifying safety records, and in 2007, TEPCO admitted to falsifying test data and concealing reactor failures during 199 routine inspections at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant and Cypress nuclear power station in Niigata Prefecture since 1977.

In 2011, after the tsunami, TEPCO concealed the relevant facts, claiming that there was nothing wrong with the core itself. Yukio Edano, then Japan’s official cabinet minister, swore on behalf of TEPCO that there was no nuclear leakage. And in fact, fearing that the salt in the seawater would render the reactors completely obsolete, TEPCO did not cool the cores with seawater in the first place, leading to the explosions of Reactors 1, 3, and 4, and the meltdown of the cores of Reactors 1 through 3. It was not until July 22, 2013 that TEPCO admitted that at least 300 tons of highly radioactive wastewater had leaked into the sea from the wastewater storage tanks. In October 2022, it was revealed that TEPCO had used faulty radiation detectors to mislead visitors in order to prove the safety of “ALPS treated water”.

2.Disguised replacement of concept

The Japanese Government has been calling the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water “treated water” or “tritium water”. However, Taro Yamamoto, a member of the Japanese Senate, once said in the Diet: “Whether we call it treated water or tritium water, it is still nuclear contaminated water. Theoretically, contaminated water may contain 210 radioactive substances. Some of these prominent substances are reduced by ALPS treatment.The substances that can be reduced by ALPS treatment include cesium, strontium, and 62 others (radioactive substance). Some of their concentrations may be reduced below the standard. However, the radioactive substances themselves do not disappear. In fact, there are still some radioactive substances that are not detected because they are thought to contain only trace amounts.

Therefore, this is the truth of the Japanese Government and TEPCO’s claim that the nuclear contaminated water in Fukushima “meets the standard”. In addition, according to a report by the Japanese television station TBS on August 26, 2023, TEPCO admitted that about 66% of the contaminated water in the storage tanks now contains radioactive substances exceeding the standard.

3.Breach of global trust

Japanese’s government and TEPCO had signed a written agreement with the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Collaborative Groups on August 25, 2015, which stated that “TEPCO will not carry out any treatment of the nuclear-contaminated water, which will continue to be stored in tanks at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, until it is understood by the stakeholders, including fisheries practitioners.”

However, the Japanese government and TEPCO have ignored their promises, forcibly pushed forward the discharge plan step by step with practical actions, and officially launched the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea on August 24, 2023, which has ultimately broken their trust to the world.

4.Premeditate for a long time

As early as December 2013, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as METI), Japan’s nuclear energy authority, set up a working group to conduct technical discussions on the issue of discharge of “treated water”, and in June 2016, the working group issued a report stating that, after evaluating five methods, including discharge into the ocean, underground burial, injection into the earth, vapor release, and hydrogen release, diluting the “treated water” and discharging it into the sea was the “l(fā)east costly” method and took the shortest amount of time.

The report was strongly opposed by Japanese agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other organizations, and even Yoshino Masayoshi, then Minister of Reconstruction of Japan, expressed his opposition to discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea after treatment.

However, TEPCO and METI apparently regarded the discharge plan as a “fixed policy”, and in July 2017, METI held a “Local Coordination Meeting on Countermeasures on the Waste Furnace and Contaminated Water” in Fukushima City, making a gesture of consulting with the local community. However, then TEPCO Chairman Takashi Kawamura claimed to the media before the meeting that TEPCO had already “made a judgment” on the discharge, causing widespread discontent in society.

5.Deliberate kidnapping of the International Atomic Energy Agency

On July 4, 2023, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a comprehensive assessment of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water. The report found that Japan’s discharge program “generally complies with international safety standards,” but IAEA Director General Grossi emphasized in the foreword to the report that the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is a “national decision” of the Japanese government, and that the IAEA’s “report is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of this policy.” At the press conference, he reiterated that the discharge program is ultimately a decision of the Japanese government, and that IAEA will have a presence in Fukushima to monitor the status of the discharge on a long-term basis, but that it is up to the Japanese government to decide whether to allow other parties to participate in the monitoring.

In a statement on the title page of the comprehensive report, it is emphasized that the views expressed in the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the States members of the International Atomic Energy Agency and that “the International Atomic Energy Agency and its member States do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this report”.

In addition, the assessment report does not provide answers to the following questions of concern to the international community, including whether the Japanese purification devices will remain effective in the long term? Will the international community be able to grasp the situation of excessive discharges in a timely manner? What will be the impact of long-term accumulation and enrichment of radionuclides on the marine ecosystem, food safety and public health ......

However, the Japanese government has taken the IAEA report out of context and deliberately abducted it to create a false impression in the international community that the IAEA report has endorsed the discharge of Japan’s nuclear contaminated water into the sea. It is obviously futile for the Japanese government to use the report to whitewash and gold-plate the discharge behavior.

6.Misrepresentation of the time of discharge

According to Japan’s Mainichi Shimbun, it is expected that it will take 30 to 40 years to drain all this current nuclear contaminated water. That is to say, the 30 to 40 years of discharge time mentioned by the Japanese government is for about 1.4 million nuclear contaminated water that has been generated so far.

However, according to the Asahi Shimbun, as there are still large amounts of nuclear fuel fragments that cannot be removed from Units 1 to 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the water used to cool this nuclear fuel, as well as the groundwater and rainwater that flows into the buildings, is contaminated with radioactive substances, and will continue to produce about 100 tons of nuclear contaminated water every day. So the actual length of discharge in Japan is likely to be more than 30 years. According to Japan’s TBS TV on August 26, 2023, TEPCO’s head of crisis communications went so far as to say that TEPCO doesn’t have any specific plans for when exactly it will be able to drain all of its nuclear contaminated water when asked when it will be able to drain all of its nuclear contaminated water.

On August 25, 2023, at a UN Security Council meeting on the DPRK’s launch of a military reconnaissance satellite, the DPRK criticized Japan’s discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea as a “vicious crime against humanity.” Kim Sung, the DPRK’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, criticized, “Japan’s decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water containing a large amount of radioactive substances puts the safety of human beings and the marine environment in great danger.”

On the same day, while participating in the discussion of the resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum, Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said in his statement that the oceans are the common property of all mankind, and more importantly, they are the blue homeland on which the Pacific island countries rely for their survival. 12 years ago, a serious accident occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, which released a large amount of radioactive material into the sea, causing a huge disaster.12 years later, the Government of Japan unilaterally and forcibly initiated the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea in spite of the international community’s doubts and objections, causing secondary damage to the local population and even to people around the world.

It can be seen that the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea is an uncompromising violation of human rights and international law, and an extremely dangerous and irresponsible behavior, which will be condemned and opposed by the international community for a long time, and Lvse Jiangnan will continue to pay attention to the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea.












III. 世界への背信







V. 國際原子力機関の意図的な誘拐











Content source: Lvse Jiangnan WeChat public account