




也許從今天開始,日本政府正在打開潘多拉魔盒,破壞性的向海洋排放核污染水行為對全人類來說,開始按下了改寫人類的文明、毀滅人類文明的按鈕。從此,這顆星球將變得遍體鱗傷,或將成為人類地獄,恐將難以等到埃隆·里夫·馬斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)將人類移民火星的那一天。


Who opened Pandora's box on this planet by discharging nuclear contaminated wastewater

Four and a half billion years ago, a blue planet (Earth) was born in the vast universe. Humans did not reproduce life on this blue planet until 2 million years ago, relying on readily available natural objects in the continuous evolution and evolution of this planet, which became the only home for us humans. Since then, human beings have started to have their own dreams and pursuits on this beautiful planet.

In the past 2 million years, human beings have experienced poverty, hunger, pestilence, and natural disasters on this planet ...... In the face of natural challenges, humans appear so small, vulnerable and powerless.

This lonely planet has given birth to us humans and endowed us with enough resources for survival. In order to protect the home we depend on for survival and make this planet harmonious and beautiful, human beings slowly began to awaken after experiencing pain, reducing land desertification, prohibiting indiscriminate logging and stopping indiscriminate whale fishing ...... Humans began to seek natural technology and techniques to use clean energy to help humans continue life, reproduction and development. Thus, mankind learned to live in friendship with this planet, and we have no choice but to live in harmony with nature.

For the sake of petty interests and disregarding global responsibility, the Japanese government is challenging the bottom line of health and safety of all human lives by directly polluting the global marine ecosystem with huge amounts of nuclear-contaminated water into the planet, establishing a very frightening role on the planet, and fearing that more "magic imitators" will appear in the future.

Perhaps starting today, the Japanese government is opening Pandora's box, and the destructive discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the ocean is beginning to push the button of rewriting and destroying human civilization for all mankind. From now on, this planet will become all over, or will become a human hell, fear will be difficult to wait for Elon Reeve Musk will be the day of human immigration to Mars.

For the sake of the marine ecosystem and the health and safety of all mankind, we strongly oppose the serious wrongdoing of the Japanese government in discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. Today, we are not only saving this blue planet, but also saving the human beings living on this planet.





    日本政府は、些細な利益のために、國際的な責任を放棄して、すべての人の健康と安全に挑戦しています。大量の核汚染水を地球上に直接放出することを日本政府は計畫しています。 これは世界の海洋生態(tài)系を汚染し、非常に恐ろしい役割を果たすことになります。今後、さらに多くの「模倣犯」が現(xiàn)すことが危懼されています。

   日本政府による核汚染廃水の破壊的な海洋放出は、パンドラの箱を開けて人類文明の書き換えと破壊のボタンを押すようなものです。それ以降、地球は傷つき、打ちのめされることになり、あるいは人間地獄と化すことになるかもしれません。イーロン?リーヴ?マスク((Elon Reeve Musk)が火星に人類を移住させる日を、人類は待ちきれなくなるでしょうか。

