



















司會:方主任にお聞きしたいのですが、國際社會が福島の核汚染水の海洋放出を懸念する理由は何でしょうか? この核汚染水にはどのような危険性があるのでしょうか? また、人體にどのような被害をもたらすのでしょうか?


蘇州大學(xué)放射線醫(yī)學(xué)?防護(hù)學(xué)院の王殳凹教授によれば、放射性核種の中には、微量で比放射能が低く、共存する放射性核種に妨害され、検出が難しいものがあると紹介しました。 例えば、半減期217萬年のネプツニウム237は放射能が非常に低く検出が難しいが、ごく微量でも毒性が強(qiáng)いです。天野光氏はまた、核燃料殘渣の中に數(shù)十キログラムのテルルがあり、その毒性は青酸カリに匹敵すると述べましたが、東京電力も原子力規(guī)制委員會もこれらの核放射性元素について言及していません。






司會:原子力汚染水には人體に有害な放射性核種が多く含まれているため、日本政府は有効な手段で安全な処理をおこなっていましたか? また、その処理結(jié)果はどうなっていましたか?

方応君主 2021年4月、日本の東京電力は「多核種除去設(shè)備」を使って汚染水に含まれる放射性核種を処理してから放出すると発表しましたが、実際にはこの技術(shù)の成熟度や有効性は第三者によって評価?認(rèn)証されていません。 これほど複雑な核汚染水を大量に処理した前例はなく、長期的な有効性にも疑問が殘っています。2013年から2022年の間に、この裝置ですでに8件の事故が発生していると理解されているが、この裝置は30年間継続使用される必要があります。

國際原子力機(jī)関(IAEA)は2015年の福島第一原発事故に関する報告書の中で、「核汚染水はトリチウム以外の放射性核種を除去するために処理されたが、トリチウムは除去できない」と述べました。ウッズホール海洋研究所の海洋化學(xué)者であるBucessler氏は、2020年に科學(xué)誌『Science』に「処理された汚染水には、トリチウムのほか、炭素14、コバルト60、ストロンチウム90などの放射性物質(zhì)が殘留している」とする科學(xué)論文を発表しました。今年3月に日本側(cè)が発表したデータでは、核汚染水は多核種除去裝置で処理された後も、まだ半分近くの放射性核種が殘っています。 日本側(cè)が今年3月に発表したデータによると、多核種除去裝置で処理した後の汚染水の70%近くがまだ基準(zhǔn)を満たしておらず、福島原発に現(xiàn)在保管されている130萬トンの汚染水のうち90萬トン以上が深刻な問題を抱えていることになります。


司會:日本政府は福島原発の汚染水を簡易的に処理措置を講じていますが、人體に障害をもたらす半減期の長い核種を含め、依然として多くの放射性核種が高濃度で殘存している。 したがって、日本政府が原発汚染水の海洋放出を推進(jìn)することに固執(zhí)することは、極めて無責(zé)任な行為で、世界中から非難される危険性があります。私たちは、福島の核汚染水に関するその後の進(jìn)展を見守り続けます。

Hazards and Potential Threats to Human Health from Nuclear Contaminated Water

Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan "Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic" interview face-to-face, I am the Compere Yu Ge.

Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is produced by injecting seawater to cool the melted core of the Fukushima nuclear power plant after an accident.2021 In April 2021, the Japanese government formally decided to discharge the nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea after it had been filtered and diluted. This decision was met with strong opposition from the international community. Why has the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea aroused widespread concern in society? In the end, what are the hazards? Today, we interviewed Mr. Fang Yingjun, Director of Lvse Jiangnan Public Environmental Concerned Centre.

Compere: May I ask Mr. Fang, what is the reason for the international community to be so concerned about the discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea? What are the dangers of this contaminated water? And what kind of damage will it cause to the human body?

Fang Yingjun: Mr. Amano Amano, a researcher at the National Atomic Power Research and Development Organization (NAPRDO) of Japan, said in an interview with the reporter that Fukushima's contaminated water is traced back to nuclear fuel residues, which contain more than 1,000 kinds of radionuclides. Many of these nuclear fuel residues will dissolve in water when they come into contact with it, which means that there may be as many as 1,000 radionuclides in Fukushima's contaminated water.

Professor Wang Shu’au of the School of Radiation Medicine and Protection at Soochow University said that there are some radionuclides that are difficult to detect because of their small amount than the activity and low activity, and they will also be interfered by coexisting radionuclides, such as neptunium-237, which has a half-life of 2.17 million years, and its radioactivity is very low, and it is difficult to detect it, but it is very toxic to very low quantities. Mitsuko Amano also mentioned that there are tens of kilograms of tellurium in the nuclear fuel residue, the toxicity of which is comparable to that of potassium cyanide, but neither TEPCO nor the Atomic Power Regulation Commission (APRC) has mentioned these nuclear radioactive elements.

For the time being, only 64 radionuclides of global public concern have been identified, including tritium, carbon 14, cobalt 60 and strontium 90. These radionuclides not only have long half-lives, but are also generally tritogenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic.

For example, tritium, with a half-life of 12.3 years and easy accumulation in the human body, can cause radiation damage in the body; carbon 14, with a half-life of 5,370 years, may have a physiological concentration of 50,000 times higher than that of tritium in fish, and can enter all living organisms, possibly damaging human DNA.

Cobalt 60 has a half-life of 5.27 years, but is enriched in seafloor sediments at 300,000 times the concentration of tritium, a highly toxic nuclide with systemic effects.

Strontium-90, with a half-life of 28.79 years, is included in the World Health Organization's list of class I carcinogens, which are susceptible to leukemia.

Cesium 137 has a half-life of 28.79 years and can remain in bone and muscle tissue, which can cause soft tissue tumors and cancers, such as ovarian and bladder cancer.

Compere: Since the nuclear contaminated water contains so many radionuclides that are harmful to human beings, has the Japanese government taken effective measures to handle it safely? What is the result of the treatment?

Fang Yingjun: In April 2021, Japan's TEPCO said that it would use "multinuclide removal equipment" to treat radionuclides in contaminated water before discharging it, but in reality, the maturity and effectiveness of this technology has not been evaluated or certified by a third party, and there is no precedent for treating such a large amount of contaminated water with such a complex composition, and its long-term effectiveness is also questionable. Its long-term effectiveness is also in doubt. It is understood that during the period 2013-2022, eight accidents have already occurred in this equipment, but this equipment will be used continuously for 30 years.

The International Atomic Energy Agency had stated in its 2015 report on the Fukushima Daiichi accident that "this nuclear contaminated water was treated to remove radionuclides other than tritium, which cannot be removed." Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution marine chemist Bucessler published a scientific article in the journal Science in 2020 that said, "In addition to tritium, the residual radioactive substances in the treated contaminated water include carbon 14, cobalt 60, and strontium 90." Data released by the Japanese side in March this year showed that the nuclear contaminated water still has nearly half of the total amount of radioactive substances in the contaminated water after being treated with the multinuclide removal equipment. Data released by the Japanese side in March this year showed that nearly 70% of the nuclear contaminated water after treatment by the multi-nuclide removal equipment still failed to meet the standard, which means that more than 900,000 tons of the 1.3 million tons of nuclear contaminated water stored in the Fukushima nuclear power plant are in serious trouble.

Therefore, once the more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is discharged into the sea, these residual radionuclides will spread with the ocean currents and form a bioconcentration effect, which will additionally increase the total amount of radionuclides in the environment and cause unpredictable hazards to the marine ecology of the whole world environment and the health of all human beings.

Compere: Although the Government of Japan has taken measures to simply treat the radionuclides in the contaminated water from Fukushima, there are large quantities of radionuclides in high concentrations, including those with a long half-life that can cause damage to the human body. Therefore, the Japanese Government's insistence on promoting the discharge of contaminated water into the sea is an extremely irresponsible act that risks universal condemnation. We will continue to pay attention to the subsequent progress of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water.
