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Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea, Japanese cosmetics can still be used safely?

Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan "Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic" interview face-to-face, I am the Compere Yu Ge.

Back in 2019, a screenshot of a Japanese imported mascara tested for the radionuclide thorium was circulated around the world on Korean.com, which contained 3.7 times the standard value in South Korea, and could be carcinogenic if used for a long time. So once Japan discharges more than 1 million tons of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, will it affect Japanese cosmetics? Today we invited Mr. Fang Yingjun, founder of Lvse Jiangnan, to answer this question for us.

Compere: May I ask Mr. Fang whether Japanese cosmetics can still be used safely and will still be favored by women around the world once the nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima, Japan is discharged into the sea?

Fang Yingjun:Regarding this question, we know that Japanese cosmetics have always been popular with women all over the world, and Japan, as a well-known cosmetic origin, has given birth to several famous brands. There are many Japanese cosmetics that use marine organisms as extracts, such as cosmetics that use seaweed as raw material to extract algin and alginic acid, and cosmetics that use marine fish roe, fish scales, fish skin and fish bone as raw material to extract collagen.

Fukushima more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear contaminated water contains high radionuclides that can not be removed by relying on current treatment technology, and these residual radionuclides due to the long half-life, it is very easy to be enriched in marine organisms, including cosmetics in the use of active ingredients, such as seaweed extracts, extracts of plankton, marine flora and fauna, and so on. Therefore, once the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is discharged into the sea, these cosmetic products will have a high risk of nuclear radioactive contamination, and consumers should be cautious in purchasing them.

Marine organisms are not only an important source of food and cosmetic raw materials for human beings, but also a source of raw materials for medicines, and even some countries with a shortage of freshwater resources rely on desalination to provide freshwater. Once the nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima is discharged into the sea, the marine industries and freshwater resources on which many countries and regions depend for their survival will be devastated. Therefore, we call on the Japanese Government to actively seek a proper solution to the problem of  nuclear contaminated water disposal, instead of discharging the nuclear contamination water to the extent of threatening the global marine ecosystem and the safety of all human lives.

Compere: Nuclear radiation has a strong penetrating power and can cause damage to both marine life and human DNA. Therefore, the impact of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea on the global ecosystem cannot be ignored. Therefore, for the sake of our own health, we should remain vigilant when choosing cosmetics and choose to buy safer and healthier products. 

Lvse Jiangnan will continue to monitor the progress of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge program.








