新建 PPTX 演示文稿_01












Fukushima's nuclear contaminated water discharge "meets international standards"?

Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan "Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic" interview face-to-face, I am the host Yu Ge.

On July 4, 2023, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr. Grossi, formally released in Tokyo, Japan, the IAEA's Comprehensive Assessment Report on the Discharge of Nuclear Contaminated Water from Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to the Sea, stating that, after a safety review, the IAEA had concluded that Japan's plan for discharging to the sea nuclear contaminated water stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant complied with the Agency's safety standards. This conclusion immediately caused an uproar in international public opinion. So is the conclusion issued by the IAEA reliable? Today we invited Mr. Fang Yingjun, the founder of Lvse Jiangnan, to answer this question for us.

Compere: May I ask Director Fang whether the International Atomic Energy Agency's conclusion that the contaminated water in Fukushima meets the Agency's safety standards is reliable?

Fang Yingjun: On this issue, the comprehensive report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) emphasized in a statement on the title page that the insights presented in the report do not necessarily reflect the views of IAEA member states, and that "the International Atomic Energy Agency and its member states do not bear responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this report." Moreover, at the beginning of the release of the comprehensive assessment report, Deng Ge, Secretary-General of the National Atomic Energy Agency of China, said in an interview with the Global Times and other media that the Agency had invited experts from many countries to participate in the review and assessment of the disposal of contaminated water in Fukushima, Japan, but the report failed to fully reflect the views of all the experts, and that the relevant conclusions were limited and one-sided.

At present, Japan's TEPCO data information for Fukushima's nuclear contaminated water is not perfect and has not been fully publicized, especially for radionuclides other than tritium. It is understood that Japan's TEPCO plans to reduce the tritium activity of the first discharge of nuclear contaminated water, plans to use seawater diluted to 1500 Becquerel per liter of water below the discharge. However, at present, there are more than 60 known radionuclides other than tritium in the nuclear contaminated water, many of which do not yet have effective treatment technologies, and the fact that TEPCO only uses the concentration of tritium to represent the effectiveness of treatment of the nuclear contaminated water is a generalization that avoids the whole picture and avoids the importance of the issue.

Mitsuko Amano, a researcher at the National Institute of Atomic Energy Research and Development, has said that Japan's law on pollutant discharge is a so-called concentration regulation, and there is no restriction on the total amount, and as long as the pollutants are diluted to below the discharge standard, there will not be any problem. However, for pollutants, especially radionuclides, the total amount control is very important because radionuclides have a long half-life and are very easy to accumulate in marine organisms. The extent of the impact of nuclear contaminated water discharges on the marine environment depends on five major factors, including the total amount and types of radionuclides, as well as complex processes such as the interaction of specific radionuclides with key elements of the marine environment, such as sediments and marine organisms. Recently, the Ambassador of China to Japan stated at a press conference that the Japanese side's use of dilution to reduce the concentration of radionuclides in the nuclear contaminated water, without controlling the total amount of all radionuclides, and downplaying the hazards of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea is contrary to the spirit of science and professionalism.

In addition, the National Atomic Energy Agency of China is of the view that the Japanese side has not proved the truthfulness and accuracy of the data on nuclear-contaminated water. The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted its review and assessment only on the basis of the data and information unilaterally provided by the Japanese side, and carried out inter-laboratory comparison and analysis of only a small number of nuclear contaminated water samples unilaterally collected by the Japanese side. In the case where the authenticity of the data and accuracy of the information are yet to be confirmed, and the independence and representativeness of the sampling is seriously insufficient, even if the International Atomic Energy Agency made a conclusion that the discharge of sea water complied with the international safety standards in its review and assessment, the conclusion is still insufficiently convincing. It is hoped that the Japanese side will not make a decision on the nuclear contamination issue until it has made a decision. It is hoped that the Japanese side will not initiate the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water until it has provided credible evidence of the legitimacy of the decision to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, the reliability of the decontamination device, the authenticity of the source data and the uncertainty of the environmental impact, and has obtained the understanding of the neighbouring countries and other stakeholder countries, and has taken effective corrective measures in response to the assessment made by IAEA.

CompereWe hope that the Japanese government will respect the interests of neighboring countries, listen to the voices of the international public, be fearful, stop forcibly pushing forward the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, fully study and validate the safe disposal plan other than the discharge of water into the sea, and dispose of the nuclear contaminated water in a scientific, safe, and transparent manner, and accept the supervision of all mankind, in the spirit of being responsible for the whole of mankind and for the future generations. 

Lvse Jiangnan will continue to monitor the progress of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge program.







日本國立研究開発法人原子力研究開発機(jī)構(gòu)の天野光研究員は、日本の汚染物質(zhì)の排出に関する法律は濃度規(guī)制で、総量を制限するものではないとし、汚染物質(zhì)が排出基準(zhǔn)以下に希釈されれば問題はないと考えています。しかし、汚染物質(zhì)、特に放射性核種については、総量規(guī)制が非常に重要です 放射性核種は半減期が長く、海洋生物に蓄積されやすいからです。原子力汚染水の海洋環(huán)境への排出がどの程度影響を及ぼすかは、放射性核種の総量や種類だけでなく、特定の放射性核種と堆積物や海洋生物など海洋環(huán)境の主要要素との相互作用など、複雑なプロセスを含む5つの主要な要因に左右されています。最近、駐日中國大使は記者會(huì)見で、日本側(cè)が核汚染水中の放射性核種の濃度を下げるために、全放射性核種の総量を管理する代わりに希釈を用い、核汚染水を海に流すことの危険性を軽視していることは、科學(xué)的かつプロフェッショナリズムに反していると述べました。

また、中國國家原子力局は、日本側(cè)が核汚染水データの真実性?正確性を証明していないとの見解を示していますIAEAは、日本側(cè)から一方的に提供されたデータと情報(bào)のみに基づいて審査?評価を行って、日本側(cè)が一方的に採取した少數(shù)の核汚染水サンプルのみについて試験所間比較分析を行っているため、データの信憑性や情報(bào)の正確性はまだ確認(rèn)されていません。 採取されたサンプルの獨(dú)立性や代表性が欠如していることを考えると、IAEAの審査?評価が、仮に排出が國際的な安全基準(zhǔn)に適合していると結(jié)論づけたとしても、十分な説得力を持つものではないかと考えています。日本側(cè)は、汚染水海洋放出決定の正當(dāng)性、除染裝置の信頼性、ソースデータの信憑性、環(huán)境影響の不確実性等について信頼に足る証拠を提示し、近隣諸國をはじめとする関係國の理解を得るとともに、國際原子力機(jī)関(IAEA)の評価に対して効果的な是正措置を講じるまでは、汚染水海洋放出を開始しないことが望まれています。


